Strong, smooth and sexy. Do we really find deep voices attractive? Find out more below!
in Northern Tanzania, women perceive men with lower voices to be better hunters, and such men father more children, possibly because they are considered more attractive and high status.
In many animal species, males sound lower and deeper than females—it’s true for baboons, field crickets, red deer, and certain types of frogs, for example. Compared to other apes, though, humans have particularly large sexual differences in voice pitch, which is determined by the rate of vibration of our vocal cords.
Humans make similar judgments about men. Research shows that both men and women tend to perceive men with deeper voices as more alpha. In a 2020 study, David Puts, an anthropologist at Pennsylvania State University, and his colleagues revealed that men with lower-pitched voices were viewed as more likely to win a fist fight. In other studies, such men were often seen as more effective CEOs, more deserving political candidates, and in some cases, better leaders.
The demonstration of deep or harsh voice qualities may have been involved in conflict between hominin groups, Hodges-Simeon says. She points out that when chimpanzees patrol their borders, they often make vocalizations together, perhaps to display their strength and aggressive intent to potential showed that when male cortisol levels are low, more testosterone is linked to lower pitch.