Don’t miss out on sltrib voter guide on Monday, featuring stories in both Spanish and English and free to the public. Text VOTE to 385-503-4601 or visit to get all the stories.
Our hosts do their best to answer you directly. With many subscribers though, it’s not always possible to respond to every question. You may find that your question is addressed by the host in a text to all subscribers, as other subscribers were asking the same question. Great minds think alike!Nope. This is not a group chat. Only the host will see messages you send to them. Your conversation is strictly between you and the host.It’s totally up to them and varies greatly by host.
Easy! If you're paying for texts from your host, click Update Payment Details in the upper right corner of this page. Need help?Nice work on landing the promo code! Click the Apply Promo Code button in the upper right corner of this page. Enter the code and your billing email, and enjoy your discount. Need help?No way. Subtext is not a data business. Subtext has no intention of selling any user data.Subtext was founded in 2019 in New York City by Advance Alpha Group.