The pair, one a known neo-Nazi leader, aimed to 'completely destroy this whole city,' according to the criminal complaint.
That power grid controls, among other things, electricity and heating for homes, hospitals and businesses in the Baltimore area, Sobocinski said during the news conference.on the plot and the arrests on Monday morning, stating there was"no damage to any of the substations, nor was any service disrupted."
"We are working closely with the FBI and state and local law enforcement as they continue their investigation, and we are thankful for their vigilance and the precautions taken to protect the electric grid for our customers and employees. Law enforcement acted before the perpetrators were able to carry out their plan, and there was no damage to any of the substations, nor was any service disrupted.
Sobocinksi said that the FBI's interruption of the conspiracy to attack the power grid is part of the FBI's work to identify and disrupt"terrorist plots."