Tuesday, April 4: Since Doug Ford became Ontario\u0027s Premier, many ministries are never heard from. You can write to us at [email protected].
As a mother of a two-year-old boy, I feel for Gloria Luhaka. I feel her pain and can only imagine what is going on in her mind. What she went through in her home country and fought her way out, to now this tragic event.
The death of a two-year-old boy should not be the wakeup call we need to protect our vulnerable population. As a country and people we need to do more to protect our vulnerable.Article contentRe: Ottawa, area MPs voice concerns ahead of riding boundary changes, March 11 However, I’ll guarantee the changes will go through because these types of people on the commission don’t listen to the people. They already know what’s best for us, even though they don’t live, work, or play here. They’ll claim they listened then look at their maps and cut us out.