If you live long long enough, you are likely to develop some degree of prostate cancer. — via healthing_ca procureqc cancersociety ProstateCancrBC MovemberCA healthing prostatecancer menshealthg psa screening
Measuring prostate-specific antigen levels based on a person's genetics could cut down on unnecessary biopsies as well as catch aggressive forms of prostate cancer.“It has to do with the metabolism of prostate cancer and how it metabolizes sugar in a unique way,” Fleshner explains. “We’re trying to exploit that biology.
“Prostate cancer is in a delicate part of the body, so when you treat prostate cancer, unlike other cancers, there’s a real impact potentially on your quality of life with urination trouble, sexual trouble or bowel trouble,” says Fleshner. “That’s the main reason why we don’t want to overtreat patients.”Prostate cancer is generally part of the aging process for men, he says, much like “grey hair and wrinkles.” If you live long enough, you’re likely to develop some degree of prostate cancer.