It may help you lose weight, but the Keto diet could also result in a significantly increased risk of several common chronic illnesses.
. However, after their review, the study's authors say:"[…F]or most individuals, the risks of ketogenic diets may outweigh the benefits."The researchers suggest that the high intake of meat, cheese, oils, and other main components of the keto diet, combined with a lack of appropriate nutrients, result in a significantly increased risk in several common chronic illnesses.
" The study also lists chronic kidney disease and diabetes as illnesses that are associated with the ketogenic diet.The authors also note that the keto diet could cause pregnant women, or women who may become pregnant, to give birth to a child with neural tube defects of the brain and spine.So while it may be exciting to slip into that favorite, old pair of jeans or step on the scale and see that number dropping, you might agree that this goal is secondary to your long-term health.