Not every rom-com is lauded by critics, but for some, the corny, silly, predictable laughs combined with tearjerker moments are exactly what's needed.
We have come a long way from the traditional rom-com. Many now fit into more modern, 21st-century themes. But the classic rom-com tropes remain with the unlikely couple, the chance encounters, the helpful and goofy best friend, and the satisfying ending. Amazon Prime is home to some wonderful rom-coms, including both classics and new interpretations.
Your definition of “wonderful” might be a romantic tear-jerker with a bit of comedy tossed in for good measure. Or maybe you’re all for the ultra-cheesy rom-com that makes you laugh more than anything, with a touching moment by the end that’s just enough to classify it in the romance genre. Whatever your taste, Amazon Prime has something that will fit. While not every movie on this list was lauded by critics, in some cases, the predictable, corny, and silly rom-coms might be just what you need.
Amazon Prime Video isn’t short on titles, but it may not have what you’re looking for. Fortunately, we’ve also rounded up the best romantic comedies on Netflix and the best romantic comedies on Hulu. Recently added to Amazon Prime Video Book of Love new Trailer 44 % 5.5/10 pg-13 106m Genre Comedy, Romance Stars Sam Claflin, Verónica Echegui, Antonia Clarke Directed by Analeine Cal y Mayor watch on Amazon watch on Amazon Henry is a struggling author who learns that his latest work is a flop, except in one country: Mexico. At the urging of his publisher, Henry travels to Mexico for a book signing tour in hopes of keeping the momentum going.