With the Yellowjackets Season 1 finale, the present mystery has officially become as compelling as its counterpart 25 years ago.
It's a mark of a good season-ender — but not a series-ender, thank goodness — when there are just as many more questions raised as there are ones successfully answered. On Yellowjackets, several questions have loomed large over the course of its freshman outing, fodder for dissection in the comments of episode recaps or on Reddit forums.
COLLIDER VIDEO OF THE DAY The show's mysteries have been two-pronged from the beginning, with past and present taking shape in parallel to one another throughout the first season's arc, and show creators Ashley Lyle and Bart Nickerson have had to carefully tread the line between burning through too much plot from the jump and teasing out just enough story to keep audiences ravenous.
The fact that the schizophrenic Lottie Michaels has started some type of cult in the present-day shouldn't come as a surprise, and yet the knowledge that she successfully emerged from the wilderness with the rest of the team when they were eventually rescued but has established her own form of twisted religion isn't just surprising; it's exciting.
Knowing that we have the guarantee of a second season does assuage certain anxieties about whether the show will be able to tie up the new plot threads that have been introduced — but also, remembering that there's at the very least a five-season plan in place means that we've barely scratched the surface of what remains to be uncovered.
Read Next Share Share Tweet Email Related Topics About The Author Carly Lane Carly Lane is an Atlanta-based writer who considers herself a lifelong Star Wars fan, newbie Trekker, diehard romance reader, nascent horror lover, and Wynonna Earp live-tweeter. She is a former contributing editor for SYFY FANGRRLS and has also written for Nerdist, Teen Vogue, Den of Geek, Motherboard, The Toast and elsewhere around the Internet.