'I'm not guaranteeing you that it's a false-flag operation yet, don't know. But it would be a serious, serious mistake,' President Joe Biden said on Tuesday.
In a series of posts on its Telegram channel, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that Minister Sergei Shoigu spoke with his counterparts in China and India to convey"his concerns about possible provocations by Ukraine with the use of a 'dirty bomb.'"
The remarks by Shoigu come amid growing conversations surrounding the"dirty bomb," which, according to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,"is a type of 'radiological dispersal device' that combines a conventional explosive, such as dynamite, with radioactive material." "A dirty bomb is not a nuclear bomb," the NRC says."A nuclear bomb creates an explosion that is millions of times more powerful than a dirty bomb. The cloud of radiation from a nuclear bomb could spread thousands of square miles, whereas a dirty bomb's radiation could be dispersed within a few blocks or miles of the explosion."
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu attend the opening ceremony of the International Military Technical Forum Army 2022 on August 15, 2022, in Kubinka, outside Moscow, Russia. On October 26, Shoigu spoke to his counterparts in China and India and expressed concerns over Ukraine's possible use of a"dirty bomb."Shoigu perviously said that Russia told officials in the U.S., France and the U.K.
"I'm not guaranteeing you that it's a false-flag operation yet, don't know. But it would be a serious, serious mistake."