Fellow Republican Adam Kinzinger ridiculed the senator's comments Friday, sarcastically suggesting Disney is also to blame.
is facing criticism online after he linked"wokeness" and critical race theory to school shootings on Thursday., host Neil Cavuto noted that the suspected gunman in the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, this week that killed 21 people, including 19 students, legally bought his two guns.
"Do you think that that would require maybe stiffer background checks?" Cavuto asked Johnson, who is a Wisconsin Republican. "No matter what you do, people fall through the cracks," Johnson responded."You can't identify all these problems, you can't arrest somebody for a crime they haven't commit yet. These are difficult issues, but again the solution lies in stronger families, more supportive communities, I would argue renewed faith. We've lost that."
Senator Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, is facing criticism after he linked"wokeness" and critical race theory to school shootings in a Thursday interview. Above, Johnson speaks at a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing on March 5, 2020 in Washington DC.The senator added:"We've stopped teaching values in so many of our schools. Now we're teaching wokeness.