It’s also claimed that thousands of pounds worth of damage was caused to the house
A bankrupt debt expert was ordered out of a luxury home after running up more than £15,000 in rent arrears. during the 18-month stay by Alan Harty.
Bentley-driving Harty was also ordered to pay the rent debt of £15,155 in October but has so far failed to do so. He left the property in the village of Torrance, near Glasgow, at the beginning of December – before the eviction order could be enforced. On a previous occasion in November 2020 Harty was ordered to pay £38,445 plus interest after he missed 11 consecutive payments on a luxury property in nearby Bearsden owned by an American company executive. He was then made personally bankrupt at Dumbarton Sheriff Court in July 2021 after failing to repay the money.
Jo said: “We visited the house on December 19 and were devastated to see the state it was in. The carpets in every room were filthy and the wood floors were also damaged. I wish that I had never set eyes on Alan Harty and that is an understatement.”