Overwatch 2's new tank hero Ramattra will need a support babysitter to thrive.
You've been there. Junker Queen, Overwatch 2's recent Australian brawl tank, charges into the enemy team, leaving you to tame her fluctuating health bar. She passes in and out of sight as you try to land some sort of healing grenade/syringe on her slim silhouette before a lethal blow ends her rampage.
Even if its term doesn't make a lot of sense, Blizzard has created a whole new type of tank. Ramattra is only a tank—in the traditional definition of the role—for eight seconds at a time. This is his Nemesis form, a short window in which Ramattra bulks up and switches from his ranged staff to punch attacks that can pierce through multiple enemies at once, and even ignore barriers. After eight seconds of Punch-Out, Ramattra reverts to his normal, weaker form.
Ramattra's clever design clicked for me once I figured out how Annihilation works. When you use it, you automatically go into Nemesis form and you start to emit a massive aura that deals ticking damage to anyone in it. Ramattra gets to stay in Nemesis form indefinitely as long as there's at least one enemy in Annihilation's aura, but it ends shortly after everyone escapes the big purple circle of pain—or dies trying to.