CTV News Ottawa's Tyler Fleming rides the O-Train and the express bus from downtown Ottawa to Blair Station, timing out the commute during reduced LRT service.
CTV News Ottawa looks at the commute times for the O-Train and express bus service during reduced LRT service.
So, which method of public transportation will get you from the downtown core to the east end faster? CTV News Ottawa’s Tyler Fleming travelled both lines, during rush hour, to see if the train or bus is better. "This is OC Transpo at least for now," Murba says. "The last shutdown was almost a month, people who take the train now had to take the bus, it was crazy. I would leave for work and it would take an hour and a half."
The LRT seemed to have reached full speed in some places, but after uOttawa Station that was not the case. The train slowed around bends heading into Hurdman Station, and it was a rough and noisy ride, which transit user Thomas Zimmer knows all too well. OC Transpo says the bus will be a 30-minute trip from Lyon, which includes a short walk to Slater and Kent streets, and it’s also where I waited because the bus was late.