Nov. 2022 Election: Q&A with Godwin Higa, candidate for San Diego Unified School Board, District B [Opinion]
Between now and early October when voting gets underway, The San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board is planning to publish dozens of candidate Q&As and nearly two dozen commentaries connected to a handful of San Diego city ballot measures and seven state propositions on the Nov. 8 election. Keep checking back as we fill in this voter guide.
A: Stop any discussions on current and future sales of district properties! All board members representing our students must be fiscally prudent in making decisions and spending money to avoid the unnecessary risk that burdens our budget and schools, directly affecting our student’s education. Closing or consolidating schools where necessary may cause significant disruptions and emotional stress on students, parents and the community, and could be inevitable.
Q: The pandemic caused some students to fall behind and exacerbated equity issues among students. What would you do to address learning loss and improve the achievement gap? Again, one-on-one, small-group instruction and tutoring are powerful learning tools. I would encourage creating new tutoring programs or expanding existing programs to assist teachers in providing the extra education needed to accelerate learning. Other possible strategies include career-focused coursework with career coaches, academic Saturday schools, and summer and after-school programs.
When someone is secluded and cut off from others, adverse health effects result. These effects can be psychological, behavioral, physical or combined. In short, the impact of social isolation can be profound. Traumatic experiences affect the brain! Students suffered the most because they lost interactions with others and experienced social isolation.
Emotional isolation occurs when someone is unable or unwilling to share their emotions with others. Someone may be reluctant to discuss anything but the most straightforward matters. Without emotional support, they may feel “shut down” or numb. Alone and scared! As a teacher, I knew the importance of basic classroom supplies and our tools to enhance and implement teaching strategies and lessons in our classrooms. I made it my priority that classroom supplies were available and monitored for staff and students by the building site supervisor and me, and new supplies to fill unexpected shortages were ordered immediately. In my 20 years as an administrator, I always ensured classroom supplies were available.
Recruitment and retention must have real-life incentives, and increasing teacher salaries is necessary! Salaried teachers work so many hours, their hourly pay would be less than minimum wage. Compounded with a lack of affordable housing, this is a significant issue. Converting closed schools into affordable housing should be considered.
I would support an across-the-board wage increase of 15 percent or more with incentive pay supplements for teachers working in the under-resourced areas of the city. Students should always be allowed to advance and reach their educational goals. I feel it is the responsibility of the superintendent and the board to ensure that all students are given their right to education. My goal is to look at procedures and policies that are not good for kids and change them!
The school bond measures are prime examples of addressing the needs of our students. As a principal, I have experienced many board actions and bond measures that benefited our students and parents as we continued to improve our students’ educational environment, which is directly connected to student achievement and well-being.on the Nov.
The goal is to create a positive atmosphere where students are running to officers, not running away from them! The implementation of trauma-informed and restorative justice practices in schools is a must. Challenges must be dealt with head-on; my last school was Cherokee Point Elementary, which was awarded by San Diego Unified for its success in creating a supportive and safe environment.
Everyone practiced the “Peace Path” — restorative practices in schools emphasize repairing harm done to relationships with people over and above the need for assigning blame and dispensing punishment or needing to get to the root cause! A: In general, it is evident to me at some school board meetings that some board members are not reviewing important documents and resolutions before voting. It is obvious that there are few in-depth discussions, and the conversations are superficial or avoided by some.
A: The primary responsibility of enhancing the student experience is to ensure the best possible education for all students. Overseeing fiscal management and community relations could be a full-time job. A: I support amending the state Constitution to prohibit the state from interfering with or denying an individual’s reproductive freedom, which includes a right to an abortion and a right to contraceptives. And I wholeheartedly believe in women’s right to choose!
I support the newer forms of creative expression to create a more just and equitable future for all our students. I only wished that Proposition 28 started with pre-kindergarten instead of kindergarten.A: “To achieve compassion, one must walk in the shoes of the suffering.”I have dedicated my life as an educator and leader to promoting equity and equal access to education for all students.