Reading and math test scores are in for New York state students in grades 3-8. This marks the first time in two years the majority of enrolled students took the tests. GainerTV explains the results.
In 2020, there was no exam, and in 2021, only 21% of students took the New York state ELA and math exams since it was optional and given in-person only.
Cabral says when in-person learning picked back up, her 4th grader was behind in math, though she's improving now."That's how you can see how, the difference that a teacher makes while they're in class," Cabral said.
Wednesday morning, schools chancellor David Banks wouldn't comment specifically on the results until they were made public Wednesday afternoon, but he had this to say about standardized testing:"Test scores are important, but they're not everything." "I would dare tell you, the return on investment is not the scores they got on standardized exams. It's about their readiness to take their rightful place in the 21st century economy," Banks said.