'Having warm light flood the room before I'm fully awake makes getting up feel easier.'
, lack of energy, losing interest in things that you would usually enjoy, feelings of despair and worthlessness, and sleeping for longer than usual. While I've never been officially diagnosed with the condition, all of these signs sound familiar.
when looking for an affordable solution. Because there's no way to bring more sunlight into the space, I figured this was the next best thing. The alarm clock simulates daylight and has a sunrise and sunset setting.The sunrise setting starts as a dim red glow and gradually moves to a bright white tone over the course of 30 minutes — you know, much like the sun rising, only on a smaller scale and in your bedroom.
The setup is straightforward: You set the correct time, then hold down the alarm button to get started. You can choose how bright you want your sunrise experience to be and whether or not you want a beeping sound to accompany it. If you choose to have the sound on, you can also decide what volume level you want. Because I need all the help I can get to wake myself up, I put both the light and the volume on the highest settings.This isn't my first rodeo.
Waking up is never going to be the highlight of my day. However, the sunrise alarm clock has been a game changer through the winter months. The mixed LED lights are set to mimic sunlight, and while I'm no expert, I can say that the tones appear similar to natural light. Getting ready in a warmly lit room is a far nicer experience than fumbling around in the dark or, worse, the harsh"big light." For me, that is worth the $99 price tag — and then some.