COVID long haul patients are struggling with doctors and employers as they battle lingering symptoms that make them feel 'crazy.'
. Instead, he got worse. Fatigue. Nerve pain. Blood-pressure fluctuations. A brain that fritzes out every so often, leaving him unsure where he's supposed to be or what he's supposed to be doing. Returning to his pre-infection job of helping surgeons in the operating room is out of the question.
"I'm 29 years old and I feel like I'm 70," said Smith, who lives in Atlanta. "We are alive, but not living. And most of our lab work and testing comes back clean, but we are super sick, and doctors tell us we are crazy."Experts say potentially tens of millions of Americans face consequences of long COVID, although exactly how many remains unclear.
"For long COVID, part of the issue is that there's just not enough research and data," Banerjee said. "These are really deep problems, and this is going to last for years. Even if the pandemic stopped tomorrow, we'll have people with chronic symptoms for months." than pre-pandemic, and long COVID experts say they expect some of those people are long-haulers struggling to recover."You're talking about people who were out in the middle in the pandemic, putting themselves at risk," said Carri Chan, a professor at New York City's Columbia Business School, where she studies. "We need to acknowledge and rethink the policies in how we accommodate people who are suffering from this.
"We know that a lot of people with English as a second language, gig workers, people without insurance, they are not able to come to see us," said Bell, who runs the COVIDat the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. "Even for people who can get to safety-net hospitals, the hospitals are swamped."