Leftists have been accused of hypocrisy for decrying a significant donation to a conservative cause, ignoring that Democrats have dominated elections using “dark money.”
to donations to political organizations in which the source of the money is typically not disclosed. Nonprofits, activist organizations such as 501s, and super PACs are not required to disclose their donors.
While leftists and establishment outlets often focus their sights on donations to conservative causes, Democrats and leftist organizations often eclipse Republican and conservative causes.with the Democrat party spent more than $1.5 billion during the 2020 elections, while 15 of the most politically active groups aligned with the Republican Party spent roughly $900 million.
Republicans have often pointed out the Democrats and leftists’ hypocrisy on dark money, as the Arabella Advisors operates as a sophisticated network to disseminate dark money.The key with Arabella is that it is actually set up as an LLC , which is one of the standard corporate forms that a for-profit business can take. And it is privately owned. As a private LLC, it is entirely outside the disclosure laws that govern nonprofits and political advocacy groups.
Conservatives fought back against the leftist narrative about the large donation to Leonard Leo’s organization. Erick Erickson, a conservative radio host, said, “The left is freaking out about Leonard Leo and a billion-dollar donation. Do they not know they’re spending more than that *annually* through dark money groups? The right isn’t at that level, and they are either clueless or willfully lying about leftwing money.”The left is freaking out about Leonard Leo and a billion-dollar donation.