'How Cryptocurrency Can Help Deliver High-quality Video to Your Home' blockchain tatum_io
This cryptocurrency has proven the most important thing in practice - blockchain technology works. For simplicity, let's try to explain it in a way that even a 6-year-old child can understand:
Smart contracts mean that after exactly 168 hours, your toy and Joe's apple will automatically transfer from Joe's locker to yours. Neither you nor Joe will need to do anything, and everything will happen automatically. Again, Joe won't be able to back out of the deal, because the whole group will be a witness to the contract.
Theta, a big blockchain project that aims to become first the new Twitch and then, with any luck, the new Youtube, is taking on this problem. It is possible to make a central server where those who want to be CDN nodes will register and pay them as they contribute to the network? The commission charged by the resource for its work is reduced. Accordingly, advertisers receive more services for the same money, and content creators receive greater total remuneration.
Since the project does not have a single center, financial relations within the project are self-regulating, using its currency. Thus, the Theta project's economy is carried out through the use of the two tokens THETA and TFUEL. To achieve crystal clarity, let's break them down: However, despite its clear ideological and technological advantage over its competitors, the platform is not all that rosy. First, Theta.TV's audience is not actively growing and is more of a permanent one. The fact is that for ordinary users, the benefit of the same Twitch is not obvious. The creators of the platform also understand this, so they are trying to increase competitiveness by introducing new features like the same NFT.
Imagine that you have an agreement that Joe takes a toy from you for exactly one week, after which he returns it to your locker and adds one apple as a thank you. Understandably, this method of transferring content is insanely expensive. The owners of the resource have to pay for many copies and still, if you look at the map above, the coverage of the territory remains low.
Theta offers to become such a "classmate" to anyone, bringing the absolute situation to the point that the cards you are looking for are available on every street. You are rewarded for using your resources in the form of your own coins used in the project.You can work on the principle of torrents: you download the file yourself and immediately become its distributor for others.
Creators do not depend on the policies of the main resource and distribute content without the risk of blocking . Edge nodes are the worker bees of a project. They are used to forward video streams over the Theta network. Any user that has a computer with average characteristics and a decent connection channel can be the owner of an edge node. Node owners are rewarded for their work with a second internal blockchain coin called Theta Fuel .