Whether you're one of those people who can evade every cold going around or you feel like every illness just sticks to you, there are some easy ways to prevent colds and stay healthier this year.
There are a few different factors that determine whether or not you get a cold, Yang said. First, there's your level of exposure to a particular virus . Then there's the way your immune system reacts to that exposure, Yang explained.
“Preschoolers are the highest at risk because they’re in a crowded area with a bunch of other children, and none of them have very,” Esper said. “What’s the hygiene of a 2-year-old? Well, that’s no hygiene, really. And that’s normal.” Before the pandemic, there was typically just one major illness circulating at a time, Murray said. So, if you got sick with, you would get some protection against that virus for the rest of the season, he explained."Now, you can run into someone with RSV on Monday and on Tuesday run into someone with rhinovirus or parainfluenza virus," he said."It's just a lot circulating.