Creators of Infinity Train, Summer Camp Island, The Fungies!, and other shows are talking openly about the bridges that have been burnt
creators of well-loved series who had accepted, for years, low budgets and the always-present specter of sudden cancellations from Cartoon Network are now opening up about this new low on Twitter, Twitch, Substack, and more.had been both critically lauded and embraced by audiences before it was quietly canceled by WarnerMedia last year—hasabout what this process looks like from the point of view of the people actually making these shows.
The picture he paints is of a thoroughly disorganized mess, as executives terrified of losing their own jobs botched the timing of explaining the cuts to anyone on the creative side. Dennis does note that these cuts domovies—although speculation that they’re about cutting residuals for creators, which help to pay things like health insurance for employees on the shows and which allegedly add up to some tens of million dollars across all the series affected, is only that: Speculation.