Much of the cuisine of Bangladesh has become lost under the umbrella of ‘Indian food,’ and few staples of Bangladeshi cooking have been documented outside of Bengali-language cookbooks. Bangladeshi immigrants were the majority owners and operators of the curry houses in the United Kingdom during their heyday from the 1960s to 1990s.
You’ve probably had Bangladeshi food before…but you might not have known it. As author Dina Begum explains, much of the cuisine of Bangladesh “has become lost under the umbrella of ‘Indian food,’” and few staples of Bangladeshi cooking have been documented outside of Bengali-language cookbooks. It would also be easy to conflate Bangladeshi and Indian cuisine, especially in diasporic Southeast Asian communities.
Bangladeshi immigrants were the majority owners and operators of the curry houses in the United Kingdom during their heyday from the 1960s to 1990
Bangladeshi Food Cuisine Indian Food Bengali-Language Cookbooks Curry Houses United Kingdom