Let’s assess some of the good and not so good car designs that came out last year. We consider offerings from BMW, Alfa Romeo, Toyota, Honda, and Mercedes-AMG.
Now that we are officially into 2024, it may be useful to take one last look back at 2023 and assess some of the good, and not so good designs that came out last year.This isn’t an exhaustive list. Rather it’s vehicles that I have found visually intriguing or disturbing and as such represents no other truth but my own.Starting with the positive and in no particular order, the Toyota Prius surely has to be included if there was a Most Visually Improved award.
It’s the iron fist in a velvet glove. Despite borrowing some elements from Porsche’s 911, it is its own design, and one of the best-looking GTs money can buy.In 2023 there were also new introductions that were frankly a letdown. No one would call the new Honda Accord an eyesore or visually challenging in any way. It’s very—shall we say—pleasant. And I would think that for most of its buyers, that’s perfectly fine.