It’s been four years since filmmaker Darren Aronofsky unleashed “Mother!” on the world, polarizing critics and audiences, and he’s still fielding questions about it. Aronofs…
unleashed “Mother!” on the world, polarizing critics and audiences, and he’s still fielding questions about it.on Sunday, an event which was delayed by a few hours because the original indoor venue was oversubscribed and the organizers had to move it to the vast outdoor Festival Plaza.
Questions arose around “Mother!” and its allegorical depiction of the torment of Mother Earth. Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer, the topic of its controversial depiction of violence dominated the early audience inquiries. The filmmaker said that a particularly peeved punter somehow got hold of his number and texted him that they were going to be consuming coal and doing as much destruction as possible against the planet to spite him. “But also out of that, the type of excitement and passion you get from other people that really connect with the film reminds you why you’re doing it,” said Aronofsky.