New study shows cognitively impaired degu is a natural animal model well suited for Alzheimer's research
were manually counted in EC and hippocampal CA3/CA2 , while ImageJ analysis using a threshold to remove background followed by particle analysis was used to determine total signal in hippocampal CA3/CA2 and thalamic reticular nucleus . This signal was subsequently divided by the typical area of a PNN or PV cell to determine cells per mm.
Statistical analysis of burrowing performance, ELISA measurements, astrocytic and microglial parameters used individual measurement or cell values from Non-AD versus AD-like degu groups. The generation and statistical comparison of Sholl distribution curves used individual microglial values per non-AD and AD-like degu groups. Data were presented as mean ± standard error of the mean . Statistical results were considered significant if p < 0.05 and are presented as * for p < 0.