'Is Kourtney Kardashian trying to tell us that she's 16 weeks pregnant... by this Instagram Story of an avocado?'
, she posted multiple Instagram Stories of a sparkly avocado purse—which wouldn't mean much to the average onlooker, but which for Woodruff is very possibly full of hidden meaning, especially when coupled with the photo of Kardashian with her hands on her belly that she posted afterwards.
Basicallyyy, when you're 16 weeks pregnant, your baby is roughly the size of an avocado, so the reporter thinks that Kardashian is trying to tell us—without doing anything so pedestrian as actually, like,us—that she is 16 weeks pregnant, by means of sparkly avocado purse. And if she is, I mean, you don't become the most famous family in the world by doing normal stuff like normal people do.